Stream Movies & TV Shows
Stream movies and TV shows, plus 300+ channels of live TV, instantly, without a subscription. Watch live TV and movies anywhere, from any device, with Plex. Plex uses a server to house your media library and player apps to playback the media. Add, access, and share all the entertainment that matters to you, on almost any device. ⚠️ If you encounter a "not authorized error" when attempting to access your Plex app, please follow the steps in this guide:
New Features: - Added additional hardware encoding settings for controlling DVR transcode output quality and file size. - Enabled software decoders for live TV transcodes to avoid system errors. Fixes: - Resolved an issue where specific file paths could cause movie scanning to exit prematurely. - Fixed a parsing error that prevented certain external subtitle files from syncing automatically. - Made downloaded subtitles available to all media versions when using the subtitle search function. - Corrected an issue where hardware transcodes of VC1 files could hang instead of displaying an error. - Fixed a crash that could occur when transcoding music files. - Updated service parameters during server auto-updates. Full release notes are available at