Icon of Urbit Bitcoin Connector app on Umbrel App Store

Urbit Bitcoin Connector

Connect your Urbit's Bitcoin wallet to your Bitcoin node

~sitful-hatred & ~mopfel-winrux

Open the App Store on your umbrelOS home server to install this app
Screenshot 1 of Urbit Bitcoin Connector app on Umbrel App Store
Screenshot 2 of Urbit Bitcoin Connector app on Umbrel App Store
Screenshot 3 of Urbit Bitcoin Connector app on Umbrel App Store
About this app

Urbit has a native Bitcoin wallet that you can connect to a full node via an intermediary, called a provider. Providers run a piece of backend software called %btc-provider that communicates with a full node with bitcoind and electrs, as well as a custome Node Express proxy to translate RPC calls between TCP and HTTP. This app will install the Express proxy and configure it to point at your Umbrel's Bitcoin full node. Using this, you can configure a Bitcoin provider on a ship (even one running on your Umbrel) and configure it, or other ships to point their wallets at it. This app also provides an information GUI web page, with instructions on connecting your provider ship and Bitcoin wallet. The web UI is accessible at port 9090. Note that if your Urbit is running on your Umbrel, you must configure your provider to point at the Umbrel's local/private IP address (like Credit to ~timluc-miptev & ~master-forwex
